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Our Story

Created by Real Techs Through Hands-on Experience

We started Voyager Pools in 2022 after gaining years of experience working in the field. Our founder, Ben, started Voyager Pools after working for multiple pool companies. As the head technician and right-hand man of a fellow pool service business owner, he gained a wealth of knowledge and applied it to start Voyager Pools.

Now, years after starting Voyager Pools, we have even more experience and are dedicated to bringing excellent service to our neighbors every day.

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Our Approach

Committed to Your Pool's Health

Voyager Pools is synonymous with comprehensive care and expert service. From routine cleanings to complex repairs, our certified team handles every aspect of pool maintenance with a commitment to transparency and communication. We simplify pool ownership by offering consistent, quality service that keeps your pool pristine and ready for enjoyment at any moment.

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Our Promise


Voyager Pools employs the latest technology to ensure efficient pool solutions. We value our customers' satisfaction above all, crafting each service to meet individual needs and preferences, and fostering strong, lasting relationships within the Midlothian community.

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